The first song of Yash Chopra's hyped Diwali release, Jab Tak Hai Jaan , was launched on YouTube on Monday. The number featuring Shah Rukh Khan created a frenzy online in no time, garnering over 25,000 hits in a few hours.
The song, 'Challa ', sees SRK strumming a guitar as he roams around the scenic hubs of London. It ends with the actor coming face to face with Katrina Kaif, leaving room for ample drama. 'Challa' has been sung by Rabbi Shergill and bears the sufi singer's trademark style.
The song, 'Challa ', sees SRK strumming a guitar as he roams around the scenic hubs of London. It ends with the actor coming face to face with Katrina Kaif, leaving room for ample drama. 'Challa' has been sung by Rabbi Shergill and bears the sufi singer's trademark style.
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